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2012년 2013년 2014년
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Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,21~22
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,22
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,23
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,23
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,23~
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Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,24
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,25
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,25
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,26
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,26
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Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,27
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,27
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,27
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,28
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,28
"But ...
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Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,29
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,29
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,30
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,30
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,30
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Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,31
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,31
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,31
  • 13.07.01
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,21~22
    everyone wanted to try.
    모든사람이 탐내다.
    They pushed and shoved closer to the barrel,but the elephant got there first.그들은 밀고나가야했다 그리고 통쪽으로 밀다,하지만 코끼리가 첫번째로가다.
    "Just watch.This will be easy!"he boasted.
    "똑바로 지겨봐.이것은쉬운것이야!"그가 자랑하다'
    The elephant dipped his trunk into the barrel.
    코끼리는 그 통에 줄기를 담그다.
  • 13.07.02
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,22
    He sucked up some fire water and...sneezed.
    그는 빨리 불에물을 먹다 그리고...재채기하다.
    "Oww!"he snorted,spraying water everywhere
    "아우!"그는 어디에나 물보라처럼 코김을 뿜어내다.
    "It stings! No one could drink that!"
    "것은 찌르다!"저것은 한번이라도 마시지마!
    And he rushed off.
    그리고 그는 돌진하다.
  • 13.07.03
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,23
    The hippopotamus tried next.
    하마는 다음으로 시험하다.
    "I live in the river and drink water all the time,"he said
    그가 말하다"
  • 13.07.04
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,23
    "I'm not scared of a bit of fire water!"
    "나는 불의물을 조금도 무서워 하지 않아!"
    So he took a big mouthful...
    그는 손에 잡고 한입 크게...
    ...and almost choked.
    ...그리고 거의 질식하다.
  • 13.07.05
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,23~
    He spat out the fire water and ran to the river to cool his mouth.
    그는 불의물을 뱃다 그리고 강으로 뚜어들다 그의 입은 서늘하다.
    Next, the warthog strpped forward.
    다음, 흑맷돼지가 앞으로 맞부딧히다.
  • 13.07.08
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,24
    "I can eat or drink anything," he bragged.
    나는 무엇이든 먹을 수 있다," 그는 자랑하다
    He drank from the barrel and coughed.
    그가 통에 있는 것을 마시다 그리고 기침을 하다.
    Ugh!That's horrible!" he shouted.
    우! 저것은 무서운야! 그거 외치다.
  • 13.07.09
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,25
    "What fools you are," cried a voice.
    당신들은 바보다,발언하면 외치다.
    It was the leopard.
    그건 표범이다.
    "And you're all far too ugly to marry the king's daughter."
    그리고 당신들은 훨신 추하게 왕의 딸과 결혼할거야"
  • 13.07.10
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,25
    he stepped up to the barrel and just as quickly stepped back again.
    그는 통쪽으로 걷다 그리고 빠르고 올바르게 통쪽에서 뒤돌아 가다.
    Even the smell of fire water made him feel sick.
    그가 불의물에 냄새를 맞고 만들어진걸 느끼다.
  • 13.07.11
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,26
    The other animals laughed at the leopard and he crept away in shame.
    다른 동물들은 표범을 비웃다 그리고 그가 부끄러운 듯이 살금살금 걷다
    Then a little voice piped up.
    그때 작은 목소리로 관에서 올라오다.
  • 13.07.12
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,26
    It was a ting monkey.
    그것은 딸랑딸랑 원숭이다.
    The animals stared at him.
    동물들은 그를 응시하다.
    How could he drink the water?
    어떻게 그가 물을 마신다고?
  • 13.07.15
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,27
    Naresh smiled.
    네레쉬는 마소를 짓다.
    "You can tryif you want,"he said.
    당신은 견디기 어려울 거야 당신을 원해 그가 말하다.
  • 13.07.16
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,27
    "But you must drink all the water and finish it today."
    하지만 당신은 물을 다마셔야해.그리고오늘안에 끝내야해.
    "May I drink a little at a time with rests in between?"
    5월 나는 쉬는 시간안에 물을 다마셔야 한다?"
  • 13.07.16
    - "But ...
    "But you must drink all the water and finish it today."

    "May L drink a little at a time with rests in botween?"

    Naresh was a fair king "Of
  • 13.07.17
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,27
    Naresh was a fair king "Of course,' he said.
    공평한 왕 나레쉬는 진로할게,' 그는 말하다.
  • 13.07.18
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,28
    So the ting monkey climbed noto the barrel.
    원숭이는 꼬리를 딸랑딸랑 흔들면 통위에 올라오다.
    The other animals gathered, grinning.
    동물들을 끌어 모으다,씩
  • 13.07.19
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,28
    This was going to be funny.
    이것은 익살맞다.
    But the monkey seemed very sure of himself
    하지만 원숭이는 자신이 대단해 보였다.
  • 13.07.22
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,29
    The monkey gulped a large mouthful of the fire water,then ran off into the bushes.원숭이는 불의물을 크게 꿀꺽마시고 숲으로 뚜어같다.
  • 13.07.23
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,29
    "Where 's he going?" the other animals wondered.
    그가 어디에 가니? 다른 동물이 알고 싶어했다.
  • 13.07.24
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,30
    After a few moments, the monkey was back.
    몇몇의 순간들 후에,원숭이는 되돌아왔다.
  • 13.07.25
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,30
    He climbed up the side of the barrel,took another gulp of fire water.
    그가 통의 사이드로 뛰어오르다,또 다시 손에잡고 마시다 물의물을
  • 13.07.26
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,30
    ...and ran off to the bushes, just as he'd done before.
    ...그리고 수풀로 달려갔다,올바르게 끝나기 전에.
  • 13.07.29
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,31
    But Telinga, the monkey, had a secret.
    하지만, 원숭이는, 비밀을 가지고있다.
    he wasn't alone.
    그는 혼자가 이니다
  • 13.07.30
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,31
    Behind the bushed sat a whole tribe of monkeys,who all looked exactly the same원숭이 부족은 모두 덤불뒤숨다.모두 동일하게 보았다
  • 13.07.31
    - Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,31
    Each monkey took turns to drink some of the burning fire water
    각각의 원숭이 손에잡고 돌리다 불타는 불의물을.