상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2013년 2014년 2015년
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  • 14.10.01
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p47)
    And this morning, Julia, Sallie and myself all received surprises.

    A box of chocolates each!

    I really don't fell like an orphan anymre!

    Yours always, Judy.
  • 14.10.02
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p48)
    June 9th Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

    Mt ezaminations are finally over.

    I'm excited about spending three months on a farm.
  • 14.10.03
    - 개천절
  • 14.10.03
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p48)
    Thank you so much for sending me ther instead of the orphanage.

    I've never been on a farm before but I know I will love Lock Willow.

    Yours ever, Judy
  • 14.10.06
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p49)
    Saturday night
    Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

    I am here at the farm.

    It is the most wonderful, heavenly place.

    I really like Mr. and Mrs. Semple.

    They are the owners of the farm.
  • 14.10.07
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p48)
    Tonight we had ham, eggs, biscuits, honey, jelly-cake, pie, pickles, cheese, and tea.

    We all talked so much.

    It's 8:30 Pp.m. now.

    I can't wait to go and explore tomorrow.

    Good night, Judy
  • 14.10.08
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p50)
    July 12th
    Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

    How does your secretary know about Lock Willow?

    It's cery strange because Mr. Jervis Pendleton used to own the farm.

    What a coincidence!
  • 14.10.09
    - 한글날
  • 14.10.09
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p50~51)
    Then he gave the farm tp Mrs, Semple who was once his nurse.

    She often talks about how sweet "Master Jervie" used to be.

    IT is my job to collect the eggs.

    Yesterday, I fell off a beam trying to collect the eggs.

    There are so many chickens, pigs and turkeys here.
  • 14.10.10
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p51~52)
    There are five calves that I have named Sylvia, Sallie, Julia, Judy and Daddy-Long-Legs.

    I hope you don't mind.

    Daddy-Long-Legs looks like this: I would love to send you some doughnuts that I have made.

    Yors always, Judy

    September 25th
    Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,
  • 14.10.13
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p52)
    I am finally a sophomore.

    I returned last Friday.

    I was very sad to leave Lock Willow.

    But it is good to return to something familiar.

    Some changes have taken place.

    I'm rooming with Sallie and Julia.

    We each have our own little rooms and we share a study.
  • 14.10.14
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p53)
    This year, Sallie is running for class president.

    I think that she is going to win.

    I've also started studying shemistry.

    I still don't know much about it.

    It's the most unusual subject.

    I'm learning so much, Daddy, and it's all thanks to you.

    Your affevtionate orphan, J.Abbott.
  • 14.10.15
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p56~57)
    chapter 4
    Independent Judy

    March 24th
    Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

    So many good things have happened to me.

    I am sure that I don't deserve everything I have.

    I have great news!

    I won the short story contest that the Monthly holds every year.

    There is a twenty-five dollar prize, and it's mine.

    I still can't believe it.
  • 14.10.16
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p57~58)
    What is even more special is that usually the winners are seniors.

    But I am only a sophomore.

    Maybe I will become a successful auther after all.

    iI have some other great news, too.

    Next Friday, Julia, sallie and I are going to New York.

    We are going to stay in a hotel and go shopping.

    On Saturday, we are going to see Hamlet ar the theater with "Master Jervie."

    I am so excirted about it that I can hardly sleep.
  • 14.10.17
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p58)
    It will be the first time I have stayed in a hotel or gone to the theater.

    My head is spinning from the excitement.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing the play.

    Especially because we've been studying it in class and I know all of the lines.

    Yours ever, Judy.
  • 14.10.20
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p60)
    April 7th Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

    I am here in New York!

    I am amazed at everything I see.

    Everything is so wonderful but so confusing at the same time.
  • 14.10.21
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p61)
    I can't describe everything to you, but I juess you already knoe.

    You live here in New York anyway.

    Julia and I went shopping today.

    I saw the most gorgeous hats and Julia tried on so many of them.
  • 14.10.22
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p61~62)
    In the end she bought the loveliest two.

    I think it is amazing that she can buy any hat she wants without worrying about how much it costs.

    We also met Master Jervie on Saturday afternoon.
  • 14.10.23
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p62)
    He took us to a very nice restaurant.

    I ordered fish, but I didn't know which fork to use.

    I accidentally used the wrong one, but the waiter was very kind.

    He gave me another one.
  • 14.10.24
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p63
    After we ate our meal, we went to the theater.

    It was truly amazing.

    I still remember every detail.

    The actors and actresses were marvelous.

    Oh! One more thing!

    Master Jervie gave us each a beautiful bunch of flowers.

    There were lilies of the valley and violets.

    isn't he the kindest man?

    I'm starting to like men more and more because of him.

    Yours with love, Judy.
  • 14.10.27
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p64)
    May 4th Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

    We had a sports day last Saturday.

    It started out with a very cheerful parade.

    But Sallie and I weren't in the parade.

    We were waiting to take part in our events.

    And guess what? We both won!
  • 14.10.28
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p64~65)
    Sallie won the pole-vaulting event and I won the fifty-yard sprint.

    It was all very exciting and we felt so good at the end of the day.

    Everyone was very tired and so we all went to bed very early that night.

    I love you always, Judy
  • 14.10.29
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p66)
    June 4th Dear Daddy,

    I have been very busy these days studying for my examinations.

    They begin tomorrow.

    The Weather here is so beautiful that it is very difficult to stay inside.
  • 14.10.30
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p66~67)
    But I must continue to study hard.

    Once the examinations are finished, our vacation will be here.

    I can't wait.

    Can you guess what I am planning to do this vacation?

    Look Willow? Sallie and her family?
  • 14.10.31
    - Daddy-Long-Legs(p67)
    No, I am going to the seaside to tutor a girl and her younger sister.

    I wil teach them English and Latin.

    Each month, I will be earning fifty dollars!

    Please don't object to my plan.