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Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
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Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
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Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
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Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
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Romeo and Juliet (Page 39)
  • 14.06.02
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
    "Well, we don't have time to talk. We are already late. I'm sure we've missed dinner, and we'll miss the dance if we don't hurry," said Benvolio.
    -"음, 우리는 이야기 할 시간이 없어. 우리는 이미 늦었어. 나는 물론 우리는 저녁을 놓쳤어, 그리고 우리의 춤을 보고싶어할꺼야 서두르지마," Benvolio가 말했어요.

    "It's okay if we are late," said Romeo.
    -"알겠어요 아마도 우리는 늦을꺼예여." Romeo가 말했어요.

    "I fear tonight will be a disaster."
    -"나는 오늘 밤에 사고가 일어날 것 같아요."
  • 14.06.03
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
    "Okay," said Mercutio.
    -"맞아요," Mercutio가 말했어요.

    "We'd better hurry then. I don't want to keep a man in love from his disaster!"
    -"우리는 더 서둘러야해. 나는 그가 사고를 쳐서 사랑에 빠지는 걸 지킬 수 없어!"
  • 14.06.04
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
    They hurried down the street and arrived at a gate.
    -그들은 거리로 내려와 홀 앞으로 갔어요.

    Just beyond was a large hall, and they could here the sounds of music and laughter.
    -그냥 큰 홀이였고, 그들의 음악소리와 웃음소리가 여기 있어요.
  • 14.06.05
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
    "Let's put on our disguises," said Mercutio.
    -"우리는 위장을 하러가야해요," Mercutio가 말했어요.

    "Other-wise, the doorman will not let us enter since we are Montagues."
    -"그렇지않으면, 문지기가 들어간 이후 우리를 Montagues가 못하게 할 수도 있어요."
  • 14.06.06
    - 현충일
  • 14.06.06
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 35)
    The three entered the party wearing masks.
    -세명은 파티장으로 들어가고 마스크를 썼어요.

    Mercutio and Benvolio joined the dance while Romeo walked among the crowd of people.
    -Mercutio와 Benvolio는 춤에 참여했고 Romeo는 사람들 속에서 걸었어요.

    He was hoping to see his beloved Rosaline.
    -Rosalines는 그가 자신을 보고 사랑에 빠지길 원했어요.
  • 14.06.09
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
    But Romeo saw someone else.
    -하지만 Romeo는 다른사람을 보았어요.

    She seemed like a pic-ture.
    -그녀는 사진을 바라보았어요.
  • 14.06.10
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
    She moved effortlessly, as if she was floating on air.
    -그녀는 손 쉽게 이동했어요, 아마도 그녀는 공기에 떠있는 것 같아요.

    She was so beautiful.
    -그녀는 매우 아름다웠어요.

    She was like an angel.
    -그녀는 천사같았어요.
  • 14.06.11
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
    "She is so beautiful that she makes the stars shine bright," Romeo mumbled to himself.
    -"그녀는 매우 아름다워 그녀를 밝게 만들어줘야겠어," Romeo는 그 스스로 중얼거렸어요.

    He walked as if in a trance.
    -그는 비몽사몽 걸었어요.
  • 14.06.12
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
    Was I really in love before now? he asked himself.
    -나는 실제로 지금 사랑에 빠진거야? 그가 그 스스로에게 물었어요.

    "No," he answered aloud.
    -"아니," 그가 큰소리로 대답하였어요.

    "No, I have never really seen beauty before tonight."
    -"아니, 나는 절대 오늘밤 전에 아름다운 것을 볼 수 없어."
  • 14.06.13
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 36)
    He lifted his mask, hoping the lady would see his face.
    -그의 마스크는 술에 거하게 취한 것 같았어요, 그의 얼굴은 그녀를 보고 있었어요.

    she did.
    -그녀가 하길.

    "What's the matter?" asked Paris, as Juliet stopped dancing.
    -"왜그래요?" Paris가 물었어요, Juliet은 춤을 멈췄어요.

    "Nothing," she answered.
    -"아무것도 아니예요," 그녀가 대답하였어요.

    "Something is in my eye."
    -"무언가 내 눈을."

    They continued dancing, but Juliet couldn't stop looking at the person she had just seen.
    -그들은 계속 춤을 췄어요, 하지만 Juliet는 멈추고 사람들이 있는 쪽을 바라보았고 그녀는 그냥 보고있었어요.
  • 14.06.16
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
    Neither could her cousin.
    -그녀의 친척도 아니였어요.

    "I know that face," Tybalt thought.
    -"나는 저 얼굴을 알아요," Tybalt가 생각했어요.
  • 14.06.17
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
    He couldn't quite remember where he had seen him, but he thought he looked like a fine gentle-man.
    -그는 조용히 생각할 수 없었고 거기에서 그는 그를 바라보았어요, 하지만 그는 그가 좋은 신사처럼 보인다고 생각했어요.

    He continued to stare, and he slowly remembered where he had seen him.
    -그는 계속 쳐다보았고, 그는 천천히 그를 거기에서 본 것을 기억했어요.
  • 14.06.18
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
    It was in the square.
    -그 것은 광장이였어요.

    Tybalt became angry.
    -Tybalt는 화가났어요.
  • 14.06.19
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
    "Get my sword!" growled Tybalt to his ser-vant.
    -"나의 칼을 가졌어!" Tybalt는 그의 하인에게 으르렁거렸어요.

    The servant did what he was told.
    -하인은 그에게 말했어요.
  • 14.06.20
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 37)
    "A Montague!" Tybalt said angrily.
    -"Montague!" Tybalt는 화가났어요.

    "He comes to our party masked. To make fun of us!"
    -"그는 우리를 파티에 마스크를 쓰고 오게했어. 웃기게 만들었지!"
  • 14.06.23
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
    "What's the matter?" asked Capulet, as he walked over to Tybalt.
    -"무슨 문제있어요?" Capulet이 물었고, 그는 Tybalt에게 걸어갔어요.

    "Uncle," said Tybalt, pointing to Romeo, "he is a Montague."
    -"삼촌," Tybalt가 말했고, Romoe는 강조했어요, "그는 Montauge야."
  • 14.06.24
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
    Capulet looked.
    -Capulet가 바라보았어요.

    "It's young Romeo."
    -"그 것은 젊은 Roemeo야."

    "Romeo!" shouted Tybalt.
    -"Romeo!" Tybalt가 소리쳤어요.
  • 14.06.25
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
    "Calm down, nephew," said Capulet.
    -"조카야 진정하렴," Capulet가 말했어요.

    "Leave him alone. He appears to be a gentleman. Be patient, and don't think about him."
    -"가만히내버려둬. 그는 앞으로 신사가 나타났어. 너무 조급해하지마, 그리고 그에대해 생각하지마."

    "Too late," repied Tybalt.
    -"너무 늦었어요," Tybalt가 대답했어요.
  • 14.06.26
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
    Capulet didn't like that Tybalt was being rude, but he tried to reason with him.
    -Capulet는 Tybalt에게 무례하게 굴지 않았어요, 하지만 그는 그로 인해 피곤했어요.

    "It's what I want," he said.
    -"그 것은 내가 원합니다," 그가 말했어요.
  • 14.06.27
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 38)
    "Please respect my wishes, and be happy. Sad people don't belong at par-ties."
    -"내 의견을 존중해주세요, 그리고 행복하세요. 슬픈사람들은 파티에 어울리지 못해."

    "Sad People belog at parties when an enemy is a guest. I cannot tolerate him."
    -"슬픈 사람들은 파티에 속하지않고 적을 이용하였어요. 나는 그에대해 참을 수가 없어요."

    "You will tolerate him!" Capulet scolded.
    -"당신은 그에게서 참을 수 있을꺼야!" Capulet는 꾸짖었어요.

    Tybalt turned his back on his uncle.
    -Tybalt는 돌아서 그의 삼촌이 있는 곳으로 갔어요.
  • 14.06.30
    - Romeo and Juliet (Page 39)
    "How can you turn your back on me?" shouted Capulet, grabbing Tybalt and spinning him around.
    -"어떻게 니가 나에게 등을 돌릴 수 있어?" Capulet가 소리쳤고,

    "I'm the master here, and I said to leave him alone."

    "It's terrible," muttered Tybalt.

    "It is, but you're being chidish," said Capulet.