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The story of Ships
The story of Ships
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
부처님 오신 날
The story of Ships
The story of Ships
Puss in Boots
The story of Ships
The story of Ships
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots
The ogre g...
  • 14.05.01
    - The story of Ships
    There was so little space, they were all squashed in together.
    그들은 함께 그 장소에서 으깨우다
    They had to bring their own food and cook il themselves.
    그들은 식량을 그들자신이 만들어 그들에게 가져다주다
    Ahd when the weather was bad, they were locked below deck.
    전방에서 나쁜기후가 간판에 온다
    The fastest sailing ships of all - faster even than steamship - were clippers.
    빠른 속도의 범주와 기선이 바다에 있다
    They sped across the oceans, carrying that had to be delivered quickly.
    그들은 빠른속도로 대양의 가로 건너가고 있다
    In 1848, when gold was found in California, clipper captains raced each other to reach it first.
    선장이 금을 들고 켈리포니아에 경주하여 도착하다
    And, in 1866,the clippers Aviel and Taeping raced from China to London.
    1886년에 중국부터 런던까지 경주를 하다
    After ninety-nine days at sea, the Taeping won - by just half an hour.
    낯에 9명이 바다에서 1시간동안 반밖에 안갔다
    The problem was that clippers needed strong wids to sail.
    돛에 대한 강한 문제가 필요하다
  • 14.05.02
    - The story of Ships
    They could speed along out at sea, but then the Suez Canal was opened, givinga shortcut to China.
    그들은 재빠르게 바다를 거너서 중국으로 가다
    Steamships sailed through it easily, but there wasn't enough wind for clippers any more.
    증기는 안략하게 적당한 바람에 큰물건을 재빠르게 운반한다
    Passenger sailing ships were not wanted either.
    승객들은 범주에 타다
    Instead, steamship companies builes built ocean liners.
    그 대신 기선때 정기사가 대양에 있다
    These were vast floatng hotels, shops, restaurants and ballrooms.
    이것들을 거대한 호텔 식당에 가져다 온다
    Some even had a post office.
    기둥임무를 주다
  • 14.05.05
    - 어린이날
  • 14.05.05
    - The story of Ships
    Before a liner set off on a voyage, its crew had to carry masses of
    향해하는 정기선에 탑승지와 물건들를 운반한다
    All kinds of ships
    Some ship builders were more interested in underwater boats.
    배 건축자들이 더 많은 흥미가 생겨 물속의 배를 생각하다
    They wanted to build submarines-ships that could travel underwater and launch surprise attacks on other ships.
    그들은 바다속에서 갈수있는 배를 만들어 놀라게하다
    The first real submarine was built in 1798,To float on the surface it
    had a sail.
    1798년에 최초의 잠수함을 표면위에 뜨다
    But when the submarine dived underwater, its sail folaed away and il
    used a propeller to move.
  • 14.05.06
    - 부처님 오신 날
  • 14.05.06
    - The story of Ships
    Today, mini-subs are used to repair cables on the seabed...
    현재 해변에서 잠수함을 수리하다
    ...and bathyscaphes explore the deepest oceans.
    잠수함으로 깊은 대양에 탐험하다
    Ships go much faster when they're not pushing through water, so inventors worked on ships to travel above the water.
    그들은 물이 넘칠듯한 빠른 배로 여행을 가다
    These skim over the sea's surface, held up by a cushion of air.
    이 공기쿠션으로 바다 표며을 스쳐지나간다
    Hovercrafts are especially useful for moving through swamps.
    특히 늪에서 움직일수 있는것도 쓸모있다
    Hydrofoils, which spped through the water on undersea wings, are also quicker than ordinary ships.
  • 14.05.07
    - The story of Ships
    Modern cargo ships don't go as fast as clippers but they hold much more.
    현재의 그들은 더 큰 배를 가지고 있다
    Biggest of all are oil tankers.
    석유로 가는 큰 유조선
    Oil tankers are too large to fit in a port.
    큰 유조선은 항구도시에 적당하다
    So, they pump oil into tanks in the sea.
    그들은 펌프로 바다에서 탱크로 온긴다
  • 14.05.08
    - The story of Ships
    Some tankers are so vast the crews get around on bikes.
    유조선은 여기저기에서 광대한 탑승원들를 얻다
    But boats today aren't only used for carrying goods and people.
    현재의 보트는 국민의 유일한 물건이다
    Many are sailed for fun.
    돛에 즐겨운 시간
    Ahd, just like the clipper captains of two hundred years ago, sailors love a race.
    전방에 선장과 2년전 뱃사람과 바다가에서 경주를 한다
  • 14.05.09
    - Puss in Boots
    The clevwr cat
    Once there was a poor miller, who had three sons.
    이전에 가난한 방앗간주인이 살았있었다
    When he died, he left them all he had in the world:
    세계의 왼쪽 그들은 죽다
    his mill, his donkey and his orange tabby cat.
    그의 공장에는 당나귀랑 고양이가 있다
    Before anyone could blink, the eldest son took the mill.
    누군가 이중에서 가장 나이가 많은 아들을 깜작거리다
  • 14.05.12
    - Puss in Boots
    Then the middle brother grabbed the donkey.
    그떄 한가운데에서 한 형제가 당나귀를 잡다
    Tom, the youngest, was left with the cat.
    왼쪽의 고양이는 톰이다
    He wasn't impressed.
    가명을 주다
    "You two can work together and earn a living," Tom grumbled.
    당신들은 함께 일를 하여 벌다
    "What can I do with Puss?
  • 14.05.13
    - Puss in Boots
    Waybe I'll have to eat him!"
    그의 것을 먹다
    Later, when they were alone, puss jumped onto Tom's lap.
    더 늦은 그는 톰이 깡충뛰어서 그의 무름에 앉다
    "Things are not as bad as they seem,"he said, with a purr.
    그들은 잘 되지 않아 보인다
    "Find me a bag and a pair of boots and you'll see."
    한 자루를 찾아서 당신을 만나게 하다
    Tom was astonished.
    톰이 놀란다
  • 14.05.14
    - Puss in Boots
    Puss could talk!
    고양이가 말하다
    And then Tom remembered that he had often seen puss using incredibly clever tricks to catxh rats and mice.
  • 14.05.15
    - Puss in Boots
    So, Tom found puss a leathr bag and a shiny pair of boots.
    고양이가 한쌍을 나두고 나왔다
    He gave him a cloak and a floppy hat too.
    그는 망토를 털었다
    The cat filled the bag with carrots and strutted off into the fields.
    고양이가 한 자루를 뽑내며 가지고 오고있었다
  • 14.05.16
    - Puss in Boots
    Puss goes to work
    고양이의 일
    Puss headed for a field where he knew there were lots of rabbits.
    고양이가 토끼들판에서 자고있다
    Opening the bag, he stretched out on the ground and pretended to be dead.
    열린자루를 뻗치며 땅에 죽은듯이 누워있다
    Just as he expected, a foolish young rabbit came bouncing along and sniffed
    기대한 어린아이가 토끼를 따라가 보았다
  • 14.05.19
    - Puss in Boots
    As it poked its quivering nose into the bag, puss pounced.
    자루안의 그것이 고양이 코를 찌른다
    Puss was delighted with his catch.
    고양이를 이뻐하는 그를 붙들다
    He marched straight to the palace and asked to see the king.
    곧 궁전에서 왕을 만날 것이다
    In front of the throne, puss bowed low.
    왕좌앞에 고양이가 인사를하다
    "Your royal Aighness, I have brought you a gift from my master, the Duke of Carabas.
  • 14.05.20
    - Puss in Boots
    "How kind.
    Thank your master very much," replied the king.
    당신들의 왕이 감사를 하다
    The next day, puss went into the fields again.
    다음날 낯에 다시 보자고 한다
    This time, he hid among some golden corn.
    이것 사이에서 귀중한 시간이 흘려갔다
    Hw held his bag wide open...
    그의 폭넗은 자루를 열다
    ...and two partridges fiew straight in.
    2개의 곧은 반사였다
    Puss chuckled as he pulled the drawstring tight
    고양이가 단단하게 미소를 짓다
    Once more, puss took his catch to the king.
    왕이 고양이를 많이 붙들다
  • 14.05.21
    - Puss in Boots
    Puss became a regular visitor to the palace.
    고양이는 규칙작인 궁전에 빙문자였다
    Soon, the king began to wonder who the generous duke was.
    곧 왕이 불가사의한 공작을 주다
    Priness Arabella
    왕을 엿보다
    One day, puss and Tom were walking by the river.
    낯에 고양이가 톰과 같이 강에 가다
    Puss knew the king would be driving by with his beautirul daughter, princess Aabella, and he had a plan.
  • 14.05.22
    - Puss in Boots
    When puss spotted the royal coach in the distance, heturned to Tom
    고양이가 왕의 대형의 톰을 탈거라고 함
    "Quick! Take off uour clothes and jump in the river," he told him.
    재빠르게 옷을 벗고 강을로 뛰어 내리다
    Tom was puzzled, but he trusted puss, so he jumped in.
    톰은 수수께끼같은 고양이에게 깡충거리다
    A minute later, Tom was even more puzzled.
    톰은 늦게까지도 수수께끼같은 것에 해매고있다
    First, puss hid all his clothes under a laream.
    고양이가 그의옷을 가지고 가다
    "Help! Help! please rescue my master, the Duke of Carabas!"
    그의 왕이 그를 거들어 도와주다
    As the royal coach came by, the king recognized puss.
    왕이 고양이를 알아보고 대형의 탈게 해주다
  • 14.05.23
    - Puss in Boots
    "Dreadful thieves attacked my master and stole his clothes," puss enplained.
    주인이 겸소하게 나에게 옷을 주다
    "That's terrible," said the kin, "but I can help."
    옷을 친족같이 입허주다
    He snapped his fingers and a servant ran up.
    고양이가 그를 덥석 물다
    All this time, Princess Arabella had been watching from the coach.
    공주를 대형에서 망을 보다
  • 14.05.26
    - Puss in Boots
    When she saw Tom in his fine, hew clothes, she jumped from her seat.
    그녀는 톰이 휼륭한 옷을 입고 자리에서 깡충뛰다
    He was so handsome.
    풍체가 좋아다
    Tom bent and kissed princess Arabella on the hand.
    톰은 굳은 자세에서 공주의 손에 키스를 하다
    "On!" she gasped and smiled.
    그녀는 미소를 짓다
    The king insisted that Puss and the duke jojn them on their drive.
    왕은 듀크를 그들에게 쫒아 버리라고 주장하다
    You go, master," said Puss, pushing Tom forward.
    앞으로 톰은 주인의 집으로 가다
    "I have some errands to run."
    심부름를 달다
  • 14.05.27
    - Puss in Boots
    Forty fields
    40세의 자장
    As the coach rumbled along, Puss raced ahead.
    대형을 타고 고양이가 가는반향으로 가다
    He still had lots to do.
    소리없이 움직이다
    Before long, he came to some men mowing a field.
    긴 들판으로 지나가다
    Puss clapped his paws.
    고양이가 그의 밭에 있다
    "When the king drives by, tell him this field belongs to the Duke of Carabas, or my master will chop you into mincemeat!"
    왕은 그들에게 말하면서 들판에 이것을 쫒았버렸다
    The men didn't dare refuse.
    대담하게 거절하다
    Sure enough, when the king arrived, he asked them who owned the field.
    틀림없이 왕은 그들의 드판에 도착하다
  • 14.05.28
    - Puss in Boots
    The men had been so frightened by puss's threats, they all spoke together.
    그들은 고양이의 위협으로 함께 두려워 한다
    Tom was astonished to hear them tell the king this was his land, but he
    decided to piay along.
    왕은 그들의 토지애기를 하다 톰이 듣고 깜짝 놀라다
    Puss ran ahead.
    전방에 나비가
    In the next field he passed, some men were reaping grain.
    다음 들판은 원숭이 곡물이 있는 곳이다
    "Tell the king this field belongs to the Duke of Carabas," he snarled, or my master will arind you into mincemeat!"
    왕은이야기하다 이것은 들판의 것이다
    Horrified, the men agreed.
    약속하고 소름돕게 하다
    When the royal coach arrived at the next field, the king got out.
    왕은 다음 들판에 도착하고 왕은 마차에 내리다
    This field was twice as big as the one before.
    이것은 2번쨰인 들판이다
    "Who owns this field?" he asked some workers.
    고유한 이것은 들판의 노동자들것이다
  • 14.05.29
    - Puss in Boots
    "The Duke of Carabas, Your Highness," they replied.
    공작은 당신들에게 높은 말를 하였다
    Puss made the same threat to everyone he met.
    고양이는 같은 수로 마을 사람들를 협박하다
    The king was astonished at how much land the duke owned.
    왕은 공작을 보고 놀라다
    Castle Ogre
    Finally, Puss reached a magnificent castle.
    고양이는 굉장한 성을 보다
    It was owned by a fierce ogre, but that didn't stop Puss.
    고양이는 맹렬한 것을 보고 가만이 있다
    This ogre happened to be one of the richest ogres in the land they had way was actually his.
    이것이 현실의 그들이 있는 곳에 괴물이 있었다
  • 14.05.30
    - The ogre g...
    The ogre greeted Puss, licking his lips, and invited the cat inside.
    고양이는 안쪽에서 괴물과 인사를 하다
    Puss smiled.
    고양이는 미소를 짓다
    He was about to try his biggest trick.
    그에게 큰 장난을 해본다
    "I ve heard," he said to the ogre, "that you can change yourself into any creature you want.