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The story of Snips(P,3
The story of Snips
The story of Snips
The story of Snips
The story of Snips
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The story of Snips
The story of Snips
The story of Snips
The story of Snips
The story of Snips
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The story of Snips
The story of Snips
The story of Snips
The story of Snips
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  • 14.03.01
    - 삼일절
  • 14.03.03
    - The story of Snips(P,3
    Thousands of years ago, there wereno ships or boats.
    천년전에 여기서 보트가 존재했다.
    If you were born on one side of a river, that's where you stayed.
  • 14.03.04
    - The story of Snips
    But people dreamed of crossing rivers and seas.
    사람들의 꿈은 강을 건너는 것이다.
    peoole had noticed logs that floated on water.
    사람들은 통나무를 물에 뜨게 할러고 한다
    But they didn't do anythihg with until a brave man tried to balance on one.
    그들은 저섬에 갈때까지 믿을 만한 남자들를 보낸다
    To his delight, th could paddle across the river.
    그는 짧고 폭 넓은 노로 강을 건너 즐기고있다
    Steering the log wasn't easy...but falling off was.
  • 14.03.05
    - The story of Snips
    Rafts could carry goods as well as people, but they were very hard move along.
    그가 물건을 운반하는걸 보고 사람들은 그걸 따라하다
    Ohe day, someone had a fantastic idea.
    낮에 누군가 굉장한 생각을하다
    "Why bon't we cut a log in half and hollow it out?"he said to his trib
    통나무의 반을 베서 늑골로 속을 빈 상태로 만든다
    They thought he was crazy but they helped anyway.
    그들를 생각하며 열중한 그들를 돕다.
    The men used animal hornsto hollow out the wood.
  • 14.03.06
    - The story of Snips
    To make the work easier, they lit a fire in the log to burn out the middle.
    그들은 통나무 중앙에서 불를 피어 만들고 있다
    It was the world's first boat.
    세계 최초의 보트
    In some parts of the world, people began to make boats from animal skins.
    사람들은 세게 최초의 보트의 일부를 만들었다
    First, they sewed the skins together.
    사람들은함께 천을 꿰매다
  • 14.03.07
    - The story of Snips
    Then then made a frame from thih pieces of wood.
    그다음엔 나무뼈대를 만들었다
    Finally, they stretched the skins over the frame and covered them with tar to keep the water out.
  • 14.03.10
    - The story of Snips
    At first, people pushed boats along with their hands.
    사람들은 보트를 전방으로 밀었다
    It was hard work.
    굳은 일
    They soon realized what they needed was some sort of paddle.
    그들은 곧 잛고 넓은 노를 실현시키다
    Wooben paddles pushed boats along faster and helped people to steer.
  • 14.03.11
    - The story of Snips
    These were much better because they were held in place by loops on each side of the boat.
    그들은 보트를 타서 여기보다 좋은곳을 찾아다녔다
    But rowing was exhausting, so the rowers still didn't get very fat...
  • 14.03.12
    - The story of Snips
    until a bright rower realized he could use the wind to help.
    머리좋은 노잡이가 바람의 용도를 이용해 실현시키다
    Soon, everyone was making sails from animal skins and leaves.
    모든사람들이 동물가죽으로 돛을 만든다
    The first great sailors lived on small islands in the South Pacific and
    sailed between the islands in wooden canoes.
    뱃사람은 돛이 달려있는 배로 남쪽으로 가서 작은 섬을 발견하다
    Some brave islanders sailed for hundreds of miles.
    마일이라는 용감한 사람이 100번째 섬을찾다
    They found their way by watching the position of the sun and stars.
  • 14.03.13
    - The story of Snips
    They also knew that birds flew between islands and clouds hovered over land,so they could tell if an island was nearby.
    그들은 구름사이에 있는섬에 물이 있는자 얘기를 하다
    Ships of the Ancient W orld
    The Ancient Egyptians lived by the River Nile.
    고대이집트에 사람이 생존하다
    They needed boats for fishing and taking food to market.
    그들은 보트를 이용해서 식냥을 늘리것이다
  • 14.03.14
    - The story of Snips
    To begin with, they made boats from reeds that grew by the Nile.
    그들은 나일강 근처에서 갈대로 보트를 만드는것을시작하였다
    They tied the dried reeds into bundles and made the bundles into a boat.
    그들은 갈대로 묶고 만들어진 보트이다
    The only problem was the reeds were not very strong.
    문제는 유일하게 갈대를 강하게 해야한다
  • 14.03.17
    - The story of Snips
    So, they started building stronger, longer boats out of wood.
    그들은 목재로만든 긴 보트를 출발하였다
    These were strong enough to carry the massive stones used to build their pyramids and temples.
    보트덕분에 부피가 큰것을 운반하여 피라이드를 만들수있다
    The Egyptians also used their boats to trade goods all over the Mediterranean.
    그들은 보트를 이용해서 지중해에 있는섬과 무역을했다
    It took up to thirty men to sail a trading boot.
    30개의 섬과 상무역을 했다
  • 14.03.18
    - The story of Snips
    Some rowed and sone looked after the sails.
    돛을 가리고 바라보다
    Two other sailors guided the boat with large steering oars.
    큰 보트안에서 뱃사람들은 안내자가 말하는데로 노를 저었다
    The Ancient Greeks built long, narrow galley ships.
    고대인들은 폭이좁고 길이가 긴 배를 타고나니다
    They used these for trading and fighting, though nad not at the same tine.
  • 14.03.19
    - The story of Snips
    Galleys had both sails and oairs, but sailors took down the sails berore a battle.
    뱃사람들은 오크와의 전투를 한다
    Galleys were rowed by slaves who sat on benches inside the ship, in rows of
    two or three.
    갤리션 안족 밴치에 노예들이 노를 젖고있다
    The Romans built large trading and fighting ships too.
    로마사람들은 배로 큰 전쟁을 했다
  • 14.03.20
    - The story of Snips
    Roman traders sailed far and wide in search of exotic goods.
    로마상인들은 멀리나가서 크고 이국적인물건을 찾다
    They brought back silk and spices from Asia, and elephants from Africa.