상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2013년 2014년 2015년
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Bible Stories 2 (p.64)
Bible Stories 2 (p.64)
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Bible Stories 2 (p.64~65)
Bible Stories 2 (p.66)
Bible Stories 2 (p.66)
Bible Stories 2 (p.66~67)
Bible Stories 2 (p.67)
Bible Stories 2 (p.68)
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Bible Stories 2 (p.68~69)
Bible Stories 2 (p.69)
Bible Stories 2 (p.69~70)
Bible Stories 2 (p.71)
Bible Stories 2 (p.71)
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Bible Stories 2 (p.71~72)
Bible Stories 2 (p.72)
Bible Stories 2 (p.72)
Bible Stories 2 (p.72~74)
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  • 14.08.01
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.64)
    They climbed up a high mountain.
    When Jesus stood on top of the mountain, he spread his arms and looked up.
    Suddenly, he stone like the sun.
    Just then, Moses and Elijah appeared next to him.
  • 14.08.02
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.64)
    Thet spoke with him for a while.
    Then a powerful voice came from the heavens.
    It said, "This is my Son, whom I love.
    He pleases me greatly. Listen to him!"
  • 14.08.03
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.64~65)
    At the sound of this voice, the three apostles were terrified.
    "Do not be afraid," said Jesus.
    They looked up and saw that Jesus was alone.
    "Do not tell anyone what you have seen here until I rise from the dead," said Jesus.
  • 14.08.04
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.66)
    In the town of Bethany, there lived three close friends of Jesus.
    They were Lazarus Magdalene and his two sisters, Mary and Martha.
    When Jesus was near Bethany, a message arrived from the sisters.
    "Lazarus is very sick," said the message.
  • 14.08.05
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.66)
    "We are afraid he might die."
    Jesus told his apostles that Lazarus would not die.
    "He will live to show the glory of God," he explained.
    After two days, Jesus said to his apostles, "Lazarus is sleeping.
  • 14.08.06
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.66~67)
    I am going there to wake him up."
    However, the apostles did not want Jesus to go to Bethany.
    This town was close to Jerusalem, where Jesus had many enemies.
    But Jesus went to Bethany anyway.
  • 14.08.07
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.67)
    This town was close to Jerusalem, where Jesus had many enemies.
    But Jesus went to Bethany anyway.
    When he arrived, the two sisters were crying.
    They told Jesus that Lazarus died four days ago.
  • 14.08.08
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.68)
    "Take me to Lazarus' tomb," said Jesus.
    It was a cave with a stone over the entrance.
    When Jesus came to the tomb, he told them to take the stone away.
    Jesus raised his head to the sky.
  • 14.08.11
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.68~69)
    "Father, thank you for always listening to me," said Jesus.
    Then he shoutde, "Lazarus, come out!"
    A figure of a man wrapped in burial rags come out.
    The crowd gasped.
  • 14.08.12
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.69)
    It was Lazarus, risen from the dead!
    The people who saw this were filled with wonder.
    They told many people the story of how Jesus brought Lazarus back to life.
    The story reached the ears of the high priests in Jerusalem.
  • 14.08.13
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.69~70)
    They were afraid that people might become too excited about Jesus.
    They decided to find a way to kill Jesus.
    Jesus decided to go to Jerusalem.
    He called his apostles together and told them, "As I have said before,
    I will be arrested in Jerusalem.
  • 14.08.14
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.71)
    They will laugh at me and beat me.
    I will die on a cross like a thief.
    But after three days, I will rise again."
    The apostles were upset but could not change Jesus' mind.
  • 14.08.15
    - 광복절
  • 14.08.15
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.71)
    So they went with him on the road to Jerusalem.
    On the way, they stopped for the night in the town of Jericho.
    As they entered the town, many of the people had gathered to see Jesus.
    There was a rich man named Zacchaeus.
  • 14.08.18
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.71~72)
    He was short, so he climbed a tree to see Jesus.
    "Come down, Zacchaeus," Jesus said to the man.
    "I will stay at your house tonight."
    The townspeople were confused because they knew Zacchaeus as a greedy tax collector.
  • 14.08.19
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.72)
    Zacchaeus said to Jesus, "From this day on, I will give half of everything I own to the poor.
    And if I have cheated anyone, I will pay that person five times the amount."
    Jesus said to Zacchaeus,
    "Today, you have been saved.
    You will live forever in the Kingdom of God."
  • 14.08.20
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.72)
    The next day, Jesus got onto a donkey and rode toward Jerusalem.
    As Jesus came nearer, he could see many people who had come out to greet him.
    "All praise the son of David!
    The Savior has come!"
  • 14.08.21
    - Bible Stories 2 (p.72~74)
    The priests stood by and watched Jesus angrily.