상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2013년 2014년 2015년
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The Christmas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
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The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
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The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
The Chrismas Storites
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The Chrismas Storites
  • 14.06.02
    - The Christmas Storites
    Della contined looking at her hair.
    Della 는 자신의 머리를 바라보다.
    It fell around her shoulders, and to her knees.
    그녀는 바닥을 본다.
    Her hair was almost like a drees.
    그녀의 머리는 거의 드레스에 닿을듯한 길이다.
  • 14.06.03
    - The Chrismas Storites
    She hair was almost like a dress.
    그녀는 자신의 머리가 좋앗다.
  • 14.06.04
    - The Chrismas Storites
    She tied it up agin.
    그녀는 졸리다.
    She did it up puickly, but she suddenly felt very sad.
    그녀는 메우 슬프다.
    A couple of tears rolled down her cheeks.
    머리를 자른다.q
  • 14.06.05
    - The Chrismas Storites
    She quickly put on her old brown coat, and her old brown hat.
    그녀는 급하게 모자와 코트를 입엇다.
    She locked her apartment and hurried down the stairs and out of the apartment building.
    그녀는 미용실에 간다
    After a few minutes she found it and looked at the sing:Mandame Sofronie.
  • 14.06.06
    - 현충일
  • 14.06.06
    - The Chrismas Storites
    Della didn't wait.
    Della는 기다리다.
    She didn't want to lose her courage.
    그녀는 용기를 잃어버리다.
  • 14.06.12
    - The Chrismas Storites
    The woman looked at her and said, "I buy hair. Take offf your hat. Ineed to see your hair."
    "머리 자를께요 얼마에요 제머리를 보세요 "
  • 14.06.13
    - The Chrismas Storites
    Della left the store happily.
    왼쪽가게는 행복해보인다.
    She went out to buy jim's Chrismas present.
    그녀는 짐의 크리스마스 선물을 사러간다.
    There was only one like it.
    그들은 좋아한다.
  • 14.06.16
    - The Chrismas Storites
    It was very simple but elegant.
    그는 매우 단순하고 세련되어있다.
    It was a platinum fob chain for his watch.
    그것은 금속시계 이다.
    She paid twenty-one dollars for it.
    그것의 가격은 21달러 이다.
    Jim would iove it.
    짐은 사랑했다.
    Jim lovrd his watch.
    짐은 그의 시계를 사랑했다.
    But these days, he was a little embarrassed.
    다음날, 그는 당황하게 만들었다.
  • 14.06.17
    - The Chrismas Storites
    Now, he could proudly look at his watch.
    지금, 그는 거만한 표정으로 시계를 보여준다.
    He won't have to be embarrassed anymore.
    그는 버릇 된거 처럼 당황스러워한다.
    Della hurried home with her chain and eighty-seven cents.
    델라는 집으로 허둥지둥 달려와 남편을 기다렸다.
  • 14.06.18
    - The Chrismas Storites
    Della heard him walking up the apartment stairs.
    델라의 남편은 아파트 계단을 올라오는 중이다.
    Jim always came home on time.
    짐이 집에오는 시간이다.
    She quickly sat down on a chair near the doorway.
    그녀는 빠르게 그를 맞이했다.
  • 14.06.19
    - The Chrismas Storites
  • 14.06.20
    - The Chrismas Storites
  • 14.06.23
    - The Chrismas Storites
  • 14.06.24
    - The Chrismas Storites
  • 14.06.25
    - The Chrismas Storites
  • 14.06.26
    - The Chrismas Storites
  • 14.06.27
    - The Chrismas Storites
  • 14.06.30
    - The Chrismas Storites
    He looked opened and her husband come in.
    그는 아내를 보다.
    He was only twenty-two, but he looked older.
    그는 어린 22살이다.
    He had many yhings to worry about.
    그는 많은 걱정을 하다.
    He took off his old coat.
    코트를 주엇다.
    He really neeeded a new one.