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The Merchant of Venice
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The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
부처님 오신 날
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The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
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The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
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The Merchant of Venice
  • 16.05.02
    - The Merchant of Venice
    "She'll never marry me unless I give her some gifts."
    그녀는 결혼을 한적없어 하지만 꼭할거야 그리고 선물을 줄거야
    "Don't worry," said Antonio.
    걱정하지마 라고 안토니오가말했다.
    "I Know what you can do
    난할수있어 왜냐하면
  • 16.05.05
    - 어린이날
  • 16.05.09
    - The Merchant of Venice
    You can borrow money from a moneylender named Shylock.
    너는 전당포주인인 샤일록한태 돈을빌렸다
  • 16.05.10
    - The Merchant of Venice
    He'always has money on hand.
    그는 항상 손에돈을들고있다
    He'll certainly lend you money if I sign a loan agreement.
    그는 너의돈의기호에 동의했다.
  • 16.05.11
    - The Merchant of Venice
    And the ships will come in any day now.
    윌은 내일돛배를 만들것이다
    I'll make lots of money when my merchandise arrives.
    나는 상품이 도착하기를기다렸다 돈을쓰려고
    I'll pay him back then.
    "Thanks, Antonio.
    안토니오 고마워
    You really are a great friend!"
    너는 정말좋은친구야!
    While Bassanio and Antonio were out to find Shylock, Potia was facing her own problems
    안토니오와바쓰니오는 샤일록에게가서 포시아의 사랑을얻고싶다고했다
  • 16.05.12
    - The Merchant of Venice
    Portia's father had arranged conditions of her marriage before he died.
    포시아는 아버지와 앞으로의 결혼생활의 조건을 정리했다
  • 16.05.13
    - The Merchant of Venice
    He didn't trust Portia's judgment.
    그는 포시아의 재판을 받았다
    He flt that she would choose an unsuitable person to marry.
    그는 어울리지않는 사람과결혼했다.
    So, before he died, he had put three chests in a room.
    앞에 3개의큰상자가 저방에있어
  • 16.05.14
    - 부처님 오신 날
  • 16.05.16
    - 대체공휴일
  • 16.05.16
    - The Merchant of Venice
    One chest was made of gold,one of silver and one of lead.
    총3개의 상자가있는데 그상자는 금,은,동으로되어있어
    In one of these chests was a small picture of Portia.
    나는 3개의상자중에 작은 포시아의 그림이든 상자는1개다
  • 16.05.17
    - The Merchant of Venice
    If a suitor chose the right box, he would find the picture.
    만약 그남자가 올바른상자를 고르면어떻게될까?
    That meant that he could propose to Portia.
    성공하면 포시아랑결혼할수있어.
  • 16.05.18
    - The Merchant of Venice
    Portia's father believed that the best husband would know which box to choose.
    포시아의 아버지는 그를믿었다 왜냐하면 훌륭한 남편이된다고 생각했기 때문이다.
  • 16.05.19
    - The Merchant of Venice
    If he found the wrong box, he would have to leave the house right away.
    만약에 올바르지못한 상자를고른다면 집으로 돌아가야 할것이다.
  • 16.05.20
    - The Merchant of Venice
    He wouldn't be allowed to marry portia.
    그는 포시아랑결혼할것이다.
    In addition, he wouldn't me able to marry anyone or have a girlfriend for the rest of his life.
    만약 결혼을안하면 여자친구로 살야야한다
  • 16.05.23
    - The Merchant of Venice
    Every suitor had to sign a contract agreeing to these conditons.
    모든 남성들의 필요한 계약에 서명을했다
  • 16.05.24
    - The Merchant of Venice
    It was a big risk for them.
    나는 손상이 가장크다.
    But Portia's father felt that his daughter was worth the risk.
    하지만 포시아의 아버지는 포시아를만졌다.
  • 16.05.31
    - The Merchant of Venice
    Potia lived in a small town called "Belmont."
    포시아의 수명냄새가난다