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The Merchant of Venice
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The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
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The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
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The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
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The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
  • 16.04.01
    - The Merchant of Venice
    When the two met, they would have arguments.
    언쟁간 두명이 만날것이다 그리고 서로주장할거다
    Antonio would often yell at Shylock for the heartless way of doing business
    안토니오는 가끔 샤일록한태 냉혹하게 장사를시킨다
    Shylock often thought about ways to get even with Antonio
    샤일록은 안토니오에게 생각을전하지못했다
  • 16.04.04
    - The Merchant of Venice
    Almost everyone in Venice really liked Antonio
    거의모든사람들이 안토니오를 좋아했다
    They felt that he was kind and honest
    그들은 훌륭한 물건을 더듬었다
  • 16.04.05
    - The Merchant of Venice
    The merchants especially admired him
    그는 상인들에게 특별한칭찬을했다
    They knew that he would help then they were in hard times
    그들은 도와줘야 하는건 알았는데 도울수있는 시간이굳었다
    Antonio's best was a young man named Bassanio
    안토니오에게는 어린동생이있는데 그이름은 바쓰니오이다
  • 16.04.06
    - The Merchant of Venice
    Bassanio's family was very rich.
    바쓰니오는 가족중에 가장부자다
    His parents had given him muney but Bassanio had spent it all
    그는 부모님에게 정해진돈을준다 하지만 그는용돈을매일준다
    He had sasted his mouey on wine good food.
    그의돈은 불행을일으킨다 하지만포주와 좋은음식을 살수있게한다
  • 16.04.07
    - The Merchant of Venice
    He had traveled and he had had fun
    그는 즐거운생각을 가지고있다
    And, of course, he ended up without any money
    그리고물의흐름에서 무언가의돈으로됬다
    This was very common for youug men during that time.
    이것들은 같은젊은사람들이 공유될대까지 그자리에있었다
  • 16.04.11
    - The Merchant of Venice
    in the past, antonio had helped him in many ways.
    과거속에서 안토니오를 도와준적이있다
    in fact, he already awed Antonio lots of money.
    과거에 안토니오에게 벌써돈을빌려주었다
  • 16.04.12
    - The Merchant of Venice
    Antonio never said "no" to Bassanio.
    안토니오는 한적없단듯이 아니라고 바쓰니오한태말했다
    it seemed Antonio was happy to share his money with his friends.
  • 16.04.14
    - The Merchant of Venice
    One day, Bassanio came to Antonio for another laon.
    하루가 지나고 바쓰니오는 안토니오가 간곳으로갔다 그리고 또하나의대부를 안토니오를위해만들었다
  • 16.04.15
    - The Merchant of Venice
    "Antonio! i have great news! i've fallen in love with someone!
    안토니오! 내가 엄청난 소식을 가지고왔어 나사랑의 빠졋어
    her name is portia.
    그녀의 이름은 포시아.
  • 16.04.18
    - The Merchant of Venice
    she's the most deautiful woman in the world And not only that, she's rich, too
    그녀는 세상에서 가장 아름다운 여자야 그녀는 유일하게 나와같은 부자야.
  • 16.04.19
    - The Merchant of Venice
    Her father passed away recently, and she's going to inherit lots of money!
    그녀는 얼마전에 멀리계시는 아버지에게 돈을 물려받은거래!
    "That's wonderful news, Bassanio," said Antonio.
    정말 굉장한뉴스다 바쓰니오 라고안토니오가말했다.
  • 16.04.20
    - The Merchant of Venice
    "it sounds like she is a wonderful woman, but does she love you as much as you love her?"
    나는 그의 소리만 들어도좋아 정말훌륭한 여자거든 하지만 그녀가 날사랑해줄가?
  • 16.04.21
    - The Merchant of Venice
    "Of course,she does.
    당연히 널받아줄거야.
    When she looks at me, her eyes are full of love and respect.
    너의 모습을봐 그녀도너를 사랑이찰만큼 사랑할거야 그리고 존경할거야
    I want to buy some gift for her
    그녀에게 선물을사줘
    The only problem is that i don't have any money right now.
    근데 유일하게 문제가있어 원하는것만 돈으로사야해
  • 16.04.22
    - The Merchant of Venice
    I know i owe you a lot of money, but can i borrow a little more?
    나는 빚이있어 처음에는 아주작았는데 지금은 많이커졋어
    I promise I'll pay you back."
    나는 빚을갚겠다고 계약했어
    "Bassanio! you know that my money is your money
    바쓰니오! 널이해했어 내돈으로 빚을갚어
  • 16.04.25
    - The Merchant of Venice
    i'd gladly land it to you anytime.
    나는 언재나 육지로갈거야.
    The only problem is that I don't have any money right now.
    지금부터 유일하게 연습문제가나와 그문제를 올바르게풀으면 돈을줄거야.
  • 16.04.27
    - The Merchant of Venice
    I've spent all of my money on mer- chandise.
    나는 돈을 소비했어. mer-chandise에소비했어
  • 16.04.28
    - The Merchant of Venice
    I can't help you.
    나는 너를 너도울수있어
    I'm sorry
    나는 미안하다고했다
    "What should I do?" Asked Bassanio
    왜 미안한데? 라고바쓰니오가 말했다