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  • 17.07.04
    - Just So Stories
    "My mother has told me to scoop a tortoise out of his shell with my paw and drop a hedehog into the water.
    저의 엄마께서는 발로 거북이 껍질을 벗기고 물 속에 물방울을 떨어뜨리라고 말씀하셨어요.

    But I can't do this until I know which of you is Which."
    하지만 저는 할수 없고 알지 못해요."

    "Are you sure your mother didn't tell you to drop the tortiose into the water and scoop the hedgehog out of his shell?" the tortoise asked trying to confuse him.
  • 17.07.05
    - Just So Stories
    "Or perhaps she told you to scoop the water out of the hedgehog and drop yourself into the water," the hedgehog added.
    "아마 그녀는 물속으로 가라고 했을 거야," 고슴도치는 말했다.

    "I don't think she said that," the young jaguar answered, trying to remeber his mother's words.
    "나는 그녀의 생각을 몰라," 어린 표범이 대답했고, 그의 엄마의 말을 기억하려고 했다.

    "Please tell me what kind of animal you are," he added.
    "제발 다른 동물들에게 말해줘," 그는 말했다.

    "I'm not going to tell you." the hedgehog said.
    "나는 너에게 얘기할 수 없어." 고슴도치는 말했다.

    "But you can scoop me out of my shell if you like."
    "하지만 니가 할 수 있다면 나의 가시를 줄 수 있어."
  • 17.07.06
    - Just So Stories
    The young jauar put out his paw to scoop the animal out of his shell.
    어린 표범은 발로 동물의 가죽을 벗겼다.

    He thought it was the tortoise, but it was not.
    그는 거북이라고 생각했지만 아니였다.

    It was the hedgehog.
    그것은 고슴도치였다.

    He touched it, but a sharp spine went into his paw, and the hedgehog ran away.
    그는 만졌다, 하지만 뾰쪽한 게 그의 발의 걸렸고, 고슴도치는 뛰었다.