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The Emperor's New Clothes
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The Emperor's New Clothes
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  • 17.11.09
    - The Emperor's New Clothes
    "That was very clever of you," the wife said.
    "너 정말 영리하다." 아내가 말했다.
    "You always do the right thing."
    "너는 언제나 옳은 일을 해."
    "Then, I gave another man the cow for his sheep," the farmer said.
    "그때, 나는 다른 남자의 양과 나의 소를 바꿨어," 농부가 말했다.
    "Oh, that was very good thing to do," his wife said.
    "오,그거 정말 좋은 일을 했네,' 그의 아내가 말했다.
    "What a clever man you are!"
    "너는 정말 영리한 사람이야!"
    "Then,I gave another man the sheep for his goose."
    "그때,나는 다른 남자의 거위와 나의 양을 바꿨어."
    "Oh,I love eating goose eggs," his wife said.
    "오, 나 거위알 먹는거 좋아해," 그의 아내가 말했다.
    "That was the right thing to do."
    "그거 정말 옳은 일이야."
    "But I then gave a man the goose for his hen," the farmer said.
    "하지만 나는 그때 남자의 닭과 나의 거위를 바꿨어," 농부가 말했다.
  • 17.11.16
    - The Emperor's New Clothes
    "A hen's eggs are much better than a goose's eggs," his wife said.
    "거위의 알 보다 닭의 알이 훨씬 나아," 그의 아내가 말했다.
    "That was the right thing to do."
    "그것은 옳은 행동이야."