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So good
작성자 남사민 등록일 13.09.13 조회수 18

So good 이 노래는 B.O.B라는 외국 가수이다.

She says that I’m her favorite
Cause she admires the art of Michelangelo with the flow
Picasso with the brawl
She’s well put together like a …
Tonight is pitch perfect
Smile, and pack your bags real good baby
Cause you’ll be gone for a while
Girl tell me how you feel
What your fantasy
I see us on a beach down in Mexico
You can put your feet up
Be my senorita
We ain’t gotta rush
Just take it slow

She says that I’m her favorite
Cause she admires the art of Michelangelo with the flow
Picasso with the brawl
She’s well put together like a …
Tonight is pitch perfect
Smile, and pack your bags real good baby
Cause you’ll be gone for a while
Girl tell me how you feel
What your fantasy
I see us on a beach down in Mexico
You can put your feet up
Be my senorita
We ain’t gotta rush
Just take it slow

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