일차 차시 | 1일차(화요일) | 2일차(수요일) | 3일차(목요일) | 4일차(금요일) |
학급명 | SUN | MOON | SUN | MOON | SUN | MOON | SUN | MOON |
1차시 09:15 ~10:00 | Orientation | Travel Airport and travel vocabulary | Prepositions Fluent writing and speaking preposition | Gone Fishing Practice punctuation and recognizing it | Emotions Speaking using emotions and because … | Time Past, present and future words | Cities, Towns, and Rural City vocabulary and game |
2차시 10:10 ~10:55 | Directions Maze and speaking | Billions Counting and using billions | Past Tense Talk Past tense verbs | Food Food vocabulary and making food | Dictionary Wars I Synonyms and antonyms | Sequences I Dates, months and sequences | Cities, Towns, and Rural City vocabulary and game | Time Past, present and future words |
3차시 11:05 ~11:50 | Billions Counting and using billions | Directions Maze and speaking | Food Food vocabulary and making food | Past Tense Talk Past tense verbs | Dictionary Wars II Battle game | Sequences II Making an invitation and speaking | Who is taller? Comparatives and superlatives | Mad Scientists! Fractions and measuring |
점심 | 도시락 제공 |
4차시 12:30 ~13:15 | Prepositions Fluent writing and speaking preposition | Travel Airport and travel vocabulary | Emotions Speaking using emotions and because … | Gone Fishing Practice punctuation and recognizing it | Sequences I Dates, months and sequences | Dictionary Wars I Synonyms and antonyms | Mad Scientists! Fractions and measuring | Who is taller? Comparatives and superlatives |
5차시 13:25 ~14:10 | Theater I Reading and speaking practice with script | Theater II On stage performing | Sequences II Making an invitation and speaking | Dictionary Wars II Battle game | Closing Ceremony |