- 일시: 2024. 7. 24.(수)- 7. 26.(금) 8:50~11:00 - 장소: 3층 영어실1 - 강사: 김보영(영어전담교사), Anelisiwe Vuyokazi Rozani(원어민강사) - 대상: 5-6학년 희망자 16명(5학년 8명, 6학년 8명) - 신청 방법: 7월 1일 8시부터 학교종이에서 선착순 접수
- 교육 내용 Date(Time) | Topic | Activities | 7. 24.(수) 8:50~11:00 | Camp Introduction and games | - Ice Breaker + Camp Rules/ Background story - Character intro + character quiz - Food adjectives and synonyms + matching game | 7. 25.(목) 8:50~11:00 | Making Chocolate Bars! Creating Poster | - Inventing a magic chocolate bar - Creating it’s poster - Candy(ingredient) scavenger hunt - Making the chocolate bar (Choose a design in groups, give it a special power, come up with a name) | 7. 26.(금) 8:50~11:00 | Screening of Movie Presenting Posters | - Present Posters to stick on class walls - Screen the movie with some Popcorn! |