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덴마크 가수 크리스토퍼 Danish singer Christopher (김규리)
작성자 장윤주 등록일 21.01.12 조회수 111


Genie Music is holding an online fan meeting with Danish singer Christopher.

You can meet Danish singer Christopher at Genie Music.
Genie Music will hold Christopher's online fan meeting on the 28th in partnership with Warner Music Korea. Christopher is scheduled to meet at Copenhagen, while Korean fans will meet in Seoul by eight hours.
If you listen to Christopher's new single "Good to Goodbye" at Genie by the 17th and leave comments, five people will be selected to participate in the online fan meeting.


Christopher, who debuted in 2014, held his first concert in Korea in 2019. The duet song "Bad Boy," which was released with singer Chungha in September last year, is still receiving steady love, ranking second on the Genie Pop Chart. It is preparing various activities to celebrate the release of its new single this year.

"I visited Korea several times as a performance and was loved by fans every time," Christopher said. "I wanted to meet Korean fans to celebrate the release of my new single, so I participated in the non-face-to-face online live fan meeting."
Hong Sang-wook, head of Genie Music Content 2 Division, said, "We have prepared a live online fan meeting with Wanna Music Korea so that Korean fans and artists can share musical empathy beyond time and space." "We will expand such opportunities in the future."


이전글 The Land of Design, Denmark's sofa
다음글 Denmark Climate(덴마크 기후)