계 절
Dialogue 계절에 따른 날씨를 묻는 장면.
Teacher: Look at the pictures, everyone.
What's the weather like in spring?
Student: It's often warm.
Teacher: What's the weather like in summer?
Student: It's very hot.
선생님: 얘들아, 그림을 보렴.
봄에는 날씨가 어떠니?
학생: 아주 따뜻해요.
선생님: 여름에는 날씨가 어떠니?
학생: 매우 더워요.
심화학습 : What's the weather like In spring? 봄 날씨는 어떠니?
spring(봄), summer(여름). autumn(가을), fall(가을), winter(겨울)
It's warm. 따뜻해요. warm(따뜻한), hot(더운), sultry(무더운), cool(시원한),