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영어심화반 9주 수업자료
작성자 표선희 등록일 13.07.04 조회수 188
9주-KWL America.docx (11.84KB) (다운횟수:32)

Week 9 – USA (Navajo)

Opening of class: traditional Navajo Nation music

Information about USA and Native American culture specifically Navajo Nation:

             -government, language, flag, national anthem, major religions, climate, population, currency

             -cultural etiquette, sports, dance, pop culture, traditional clothes/costumes, food

             -Highlights/People = President Barack Obama; Beyonce; Native American issues; dreamcatchers


Activity: Craft = Making dream catchers.  What is a dream catcher? 

             Journaling = What are your future dreams?  What did you literally dream about last night? Do you 3catchers have the power of actually catching bad dreams?


Homework: Military- is it optional or mandatory to serve in the military? Does your country even have a military? What are your countries industries and why? Imports/ exports? Who are your countries major allies?


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