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영어심화반 8주 수업계획 및 자료
작성자 표선희 등록일 13.05.24 조회수 209
8주-Argentina.pptx (1.38MB) (다운횟수:38)

Week 8 – Argentina

Opening of class: Traditional Argentine Dancing or Argentine Tango

Information about Argentina:

             -government, language, flag, national anthem, major religions, climate, population, currency

             -cultural etiquette, sports, dance, pop culture, traditional clothes/costumes, food

             -Highlights/People = Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, colorful houses/ architecture; tango


Activity: Focus on architecture.  Argentina has been influenced by many other nations.  Will your country?s architecture be influenced by other countries?  Or will it be completely original?  How does the architecture lend itself to the culture of your nation?


Homework: 3 things that are legal. What CAN people do in your country? 3 things that aren?t legal. What CAN?T people do in your country?

이전글 영어심화반 9주 수업자료
다음글 영어심화반7주 수업계획 및 자료