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영어심화반5주 수업계획 및 자료
작성자 표선희 등록일 13.05.02 조회수 208
5주-Egypt.pptx (2.42MB) (다운횟수:41)

Week 5- Egypt


Opening of class: Egyptian music!

Information about Egypt:

-government, language, flag, national anthem, major religions, climate, population, currency

             -cultural etiquette, sports, dance, pop culture, traditional clothes/costumes, food

             -Highlights/People = The Great Pyramids of Giza; Sphinx; Cairo; King Tut


Activity: 7 Wonders of the World = Why do people build certain things?

Students will understand how and why people build structures; and how structures can reflect a culture's beliefs and values. Partners will then work together to use information from their activity sheet to create a landmark information card about selected wonders of the world. On an index card, students should draw or find a small picture of the landmark and include important facts from their activity sheets. Encourage students to be creative.


Homework: Wonder of your country: What is a famous place in your country?
이전글 영어심화반 6주 수업계획 및 자료
다음글 영어심화반 4주 수업 계획 및 자료