남성초등학교 로고이미지


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영어심화반 3주 수업 계획 및 자료
작성자 표선희 등록일 13.04.18 조회수 208
3주-calligraphy.docx (377.41KB) (다운횟수:39)
3주-China.pptx (1.54MB) (다운횟수:37)

Week 3 –China


Opening of class: Traditional Chinese music and maybe the Lion Dance from New Years festivals. Doll clothes.

Information about China:

-government, language, flag, national anthem, major religions, climate, population

             -cultural etiquette, sports, dance, pop culture, traditional clothes/costumes, food

             -Highlights/People = The Great Wall of China; Confucius; Tibet; Hong Kong


Activity: China is a land of great history and culture which has spread throughout all Asia.  The importance of names.  Students will discuss in English their hanja and the meaning. Calligraphy might also be included in this activity as well if instructor can obtain the materials.  Also discussion about the role that China plays in the future of the world.  We may be able to listen to a podcast of people discussing in English about China.  Students will listen and fill in blanks about possible concerns that might be voiced.


Homework: What is the capital city?s name? Where is it located?

이전글 영어심화반 4주 수업 계획 및 자료
다음글 영어심화반 2주 수업계획 및 자료