1교사 1연구(6학년 체육) |
작성자 | 황효원 | 등록일 | 15.04.29 | 조회수 | 82 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
첨부파일 |
2015학년도 증평초등학교 교사: 황효원
〇 운동회는 오늘날 중요한 학교행사로서 학생은 물론 가정이나 지역 사회를 포함하는 전체로서의 중요한 행사가 되어있다. 이것은 본래 학생들의 평소 운동, 유희 등의 학습 결과를 학부모 앞에서 연출하여 자신들의 성장하는 모습을 보이고 활동의 실제를 이해하도록 하기 위한 일이며 또한 그 실행에서 기획, 조직, 운영 등을 통해 어린이들의 자주성이나 협력, 책임 등을 몸에 익히게 하는 것으로 중요한 의의를 지니고 있다(이태신, 1985).
〇 The teachers' perceptions toward desirable and effective operations of athletic meets are as follows. Those who believed that the athletic meets with external collaborations are more desirable and effective than the teachers-directed athletic meets were more than double. It was shown that the teachers believe that desirable and effective athletic meets should have high participation rate of the students, and that the stress should be resolved through such. As for the selection of the events of athletic meets, accepting the students' opinions and discussing with the teachers should take place, and the desired duration of rehearsals was less than 3 days, with shorter duration being the better. It was shown that practicing for the athletic meet during the physical education class is better, and that holding an athletic meet during the morning time is desirable. School parents' participation in athletic meets was shown to be necessary, but changing the time of athletic meets just to allow more school parents to participate was not shown to be desirable. As for the points of improvements for the athletic meets, it was revealed that the athletic meets just for the show should be rejected and that missing classes should be minimized(황효원, 2015). |
이전글 | 1교실 1연구 5영어 |
다음글 | 1교사 1연구(학습도움실) |