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작성자 허윤진 등록일 09.07.06 조회수 217
hello to:heidi
my name is windi
my teacher taking lessons student
my famliy is good
my a dream is diplomat teacher what? 
teacher is good?
my cooking is good 
teacher is good hiking
my is good
my is good season winter
and summer 
becausa very hat 
and wintet is snowy
iam good my famliy
is father, mother, sisther,
an me my sisther is teacher
teacher is computer game?
my is good
my dog is 짱이
teacher is good dog?
my good song an zee
my birthday is jale
sesventh  teacher birthday?
my is good subject korean and
mathem a tics and music and art
my hobby is hiking
yes ter day is tteokppopgi
and odeing and slush iam good
heidi goos byby 
이전글 football교실
다음글 soccer