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sizzling summer
작성자 김나영 등록일 09.06.30 조회수 30

the sunshine is so strong and hot and it seems to have become summer.

I don't like summer because I am very sensitive to the heat and I sweat easily

one of t hings that  I hate most is mosquitoes on a summer night.

Last summer. it was really intolerably hot. the sizzling weather. really bothered me.

I remember that I used several ways sto beat the heat. I took a shower several times a day and even rubbed a bag of ice on my body. I ate hot chicken.  I worry about how to spend the hot summer this year. I think  I need something this summer. I hope it will be less hot than last summer. or I wish we could skip summer.

이전글 a little problem
다음글 Ann's Diary