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The GJ News(0428)
작성자 고은실 등록일 11.05.11 조회수 45


I will speak the next news.

 On April 28th, We  took a field trip

First, we  visited the 보탑사

We saw many different flowers and plants.

There was a very colourful and beautiful.

We also saw colorful연등.

There were red, blue, green, yellow, and pink

Later, we went 만뢰산 natural ecology park

At  there, we ate lunch. 

Gujung school Parents prepared fruits , drink  and 김밥

It was very delicious, Thank  you.

After lunch , we hiked around the park  and  played many  games.

We also, played  in the stream.

There were many tadpoles. We tried to catch as many as we could.

We took many pictures with our friends and teachers  and made many wonderful memories!

It was a lot of fun.

Thank you for listening the GJ news.

See you next time.  Have a nice day !

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다음글 The GJ news(0421)