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10/26 About procrastination
작성자 김영서 등록일 16.10.26 조회수 68

Today I feel tired. Because yester day I sleeped very late.

Anyway our topic was procrastination.

The first question was 'What is procrastination?'

I said 'Procrastination is like lazy.'

The second question was 'Why do people procrastinate?'

I answered 'Because peoples are busy or they don't want to do something.'

I won't write about the third question. Because I talked about something private.

And lats question was 'Do you usually procrastinate when you have homework?'

So I said 'I don't procrastinate but I do something and lastly I do my homework. (That something is study)

But people can think I procrastinate.

이전글 10/26
다음글 10/26