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9/30 About birthday.
작성자 김영서 등록일 16.09.30 조회수 64

Today's topic was birthday.

First question was 'What gift was you liked before?'

So I said I liked my grandmother's birthday present that was money.

And next she asked how much money you received?

I answered 'I received 1000dollors.'

Second question was 'Do your mother and father give you a gift?'

So I said 'I get gifts when I was young. But my parents don't give me gifts, Because I'm not a child.'

I am satisfyed more and more about my teacher.

So the class is funny.

And I felt happy. Because it has a long holliday.

It was nice.


이전글 10/7 About season
다음글 9/28 About new teacher