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아이디 빌려서 씁니다. 2815 연제욱 반기문 인재 육성 사이버 토론대회
작성자 박강호 등록일 16.10.21 조회수 217

I approve of using animals for scientific or commercial purposes. Animals have the most similar respiratory or digestive organs, of humans. Because of the probability of the test being successful is also the highest. We can cure or prevent many diseases and treat them in advance by animal experimentation, or in advance of any medication or treatment. In fact, it is estimated that the disease, which is shared by humans and animals, is about 1.16 percent. However, the number of diseases that humans suffer is about 30,000. 1.16% of 30,000 kinds is approximately 300 kinds, it is worth studying the disease through animal experimentation. This is hardly a small amount. In the past, there were brutal animal experiments, but nowadays, many countries have adopted rules such as 3R(replacement, reduction, refinement). Although tallidomaideu was considered safe in animal experiments, pregnant women who ate tallidomaideu gave birth to deformed babies. However, this is rare example. Also, Not all experiments have an experiment with 100 % accuracy. Currently, we have to continue animal experimentation because our animal experiment is the most successful and effective experiment. And I would choose it if I could save countless people lives with the sacrifice of experimental animals.

이전글 21006 김주명 반기문 인재육성 사이버 토론대회 (8)
다음글 2618이용욱 반기문 인재육성 사이버 토론대회 (2)