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1809 백건우 반기문 인재육성 사이버 토론대회
작성자 백건우 등록일 16.10.21 조회수 266

  I disagree animals are used for scientific or commercial testing.

People make an experiment with animals for their comfortable life or develop a medicine. But it treats animals as a tool! Many animals are used to conduct animals testing, and most of the animals are used to experiments to die after a animal testing like a animal abuse.

  And a human being with an animal diseases are that it take only 1.16%. That is just about 350 materials, so few!  Besides animal testing stability is very low. No matter how the experiment with animals with properties similar to the human may respond differently to the same drug.

  Moreover animal testing is successful even though side effects can happen to people so every medicine from animal testing can't be sure to be safe. A typical example is morning sickness medicine 'the Thalidomide' failures.

  Therfore, I object to animal testing.

이전글 2618이용욱 반기문 인재육성 사이버 토론대회 (2)
다음글 1820 임경택 사이버 토론대회 (4)