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1602김경용 사이버토론대회
작성자 김도현 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 231

I agree with an animal experiment.

First, It is possible to secure the safety by testing a drug or drugs to be used before human uses.

Second, animals have a human-like organ, therefore the probability of success increase.

Third, nowadays many countries impose the 3R(Reduction·Refinement·Replacement)system, so, that experiment conducts in the way that is not cruel before. 

 Finally, animals do some impossible missions for human. For example In 1957 the dog, which named Laika, board a Soviet Union’s spacecraft. Laika offers many information about occurrence in non-gravity. Like this, animal experiment can be allowed.


이전글 2919이민효사이버토론대회 (8)
다음글 2717이상우 반기문 인재육성 사이버 토론대회 (3)