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1608김민수 사이버 토론대회
작성자 김민수 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 207

I do disagree with animal experiment. There are so many reasons. 

  First of all, animal has precious life as human being does. It is basically wrong to consider animal's life is more worthless than human being's. moreover, understandably, animal experiment goes against ethic. of course, if animal experiment worked well, it may be a reasonable way as far as it goes. However, human's disease sharing with animal is only 1.16% of whole human's. and even if it were conducted, it can have many side effects. futhermore, that immoral experiment may bring trend making light of life. as I said above, animal's life is valuable enough to be respected. but conducting that experiment will make people's recognition unethical more and more. to be in detail, people may consider animal's life just nothing.

  Second, there's not only theoretical reason to oppose to animal experiment but also scientific. For instance, as the animal experiment of monkey about polio gives wrong information, running an erroneous precautionary measure about polio caused.

  In conclusion, that experiment should not be conducted.

이전글 2321 정석현 사이버 토론대회 (14)
다음글 21001 강성하 반기문 인재육성 사이버 토론 대회 (8)