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21001 강성하 반기문 인재육성 사이버 토론 대회
작성자 강성하 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 217

  I oppose animals are used for scientific or commercial testing. The people have developed civilization throughout many researches and experiments. The animal testing is one of them developing civilization, but it is causing continuous and terrible pain to animals. The animals are also creature. Not only do we haven’t right to cause pain to animals but also the animals don't have responsibility to sacrifice for the people. We can’t put them to a bad use only because we are smarter than them. All of creatures should be respected. If we keep using them for testing, for our benefit, the think that the animals are just tool for us will be crystallized in our conscious. The technology will keep developing ,but our ethical conscious will not does. The gap between ethical conscious and technology have caused many problems likewise nuclear. I think that opposing animal testing is first step of reducing the gap.

이전글 1608김민수 사이버 토론대회 (10)
다음글 1604김구현 (8)