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아이디 빌려서 올립니다. 1625 이현석 사이버 토론 대회
작성자 김도현 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 175

I am opposed to animal experiments. Because all life is valuable animals exist only because it is one of life with those rights. And I think that is really inhuman experiment with the idea of ​​a mandatory life of the animal. The reason for the accident in the range of a normal person who I like to participate in the experiment, assuming that you do not know what Force recognized like animals because I'm sure that very few or no. The conclusion is inhumane thing that needs to animals that do well when it is seen yourself in his position. And a reason is that the end of the experiment as mandatory tests that require agreement to non-human animals, and the experiment is not present. It is in a relationship without the consent of the other party does not misbehave if the other party for the kind of "manners" think it ought to apply it to all life, including animals. For this reason, I am opposed to animal experiments.

이전글 11003 김명환 (미승인으로 빌려씁니다!) (6)
다음글 1627최순규 영어 토론 대회 (7)