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1학년 9반 24번 임희수사이버 토론대회(아이디빌려서 올립니다)
작성자 김도현 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 168
 I agree at 'animals be used for scientific or commercial testing'.
 Some people disagree at 'animals be used for scientific or commercial testing' because animals share less disease.
 But if we want high accuracy about new medicine experiment, then we should use humans.
 Using humans is so difficult in modern, because we must not violate
'Declaration of Helsinki' and 'The Nuremberg Code'.(if you want to know more about this codes, see the bottom URL)
 We use animals at commercial testing or scientific, we don't do high risk experiment, like medicune's risk about kill humans,take disable....
 So my opinion is use animals in commercial testing to low risk and if we want high accuracy, then we use humans for experiment
 If my opinion have problem, please comment to me
 Thanks to read my opinion
 I am waiting your argument

The Nuremberg Code: http://www.nibp.kr/xe/info4_5/4780 by KONIBP
Declaration of Helsinki: http://www.nibp.kr/xe/info4_5/1641 by KONIBP
(KONIMP is 'Korea National Institute for Bioethics Policy''s contraction)
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