2523 이찬영 |
작성자 | 이찬영 | 등록일 | 16.10.20 | 조회수 | 173 |
첨부파일 |
I agree on the animal experiment . For example, Do you know sulfanilamide situation? Without going through animal experiments, 107 people died because of a side effect of the medicine If animal tests conducted, Maybe 107 people could not die. In Morgan genetic experiment, the study shows sex-linkage such as Color blindness, hemophilia in a short time, and Animals are used in the study of psychology For instance Pavlov's dogs test show fundamental principles of psychology. Animals feel pain, fear of death, like humans Animal experiment can’t show us every harmful disease in human, Research that animal experiment can not be avoided is okay when Principles of animal experiment(3R Principles) is obeyed. *3R Principle 1- Reduction : use a small number of animals as much as possible 2- Replacement : prior to the beginning of experiment, try to seek alternative 3- Refinement : while experiments are conducting, Animal experiment must be conducted in this way that animals don't feel as possible as pain and welfare of animals is improved . |
이전글 | 1학년 9반 24번 임희수사이버 토론대회(아이디빌려서 올립니다) (5) |
다음글 | 2813 신주원 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회 (제목:Animal experiments must be present) (2) |