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작성자 윤강석 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 165
{1}21017윤강석.hwp (11.5KB) (다운횟수:60)

I agree on using animals for scientific or commercial testing. Until these days we have made our life better by doing animal experiments for making medicines or cosmetics. And cases like medicines, we could make more efficient medicines by examine what medicine will happen to a man. By making more efficient medicines we could save much more people than animals which have been experimented. For example, the vaccine for ‘Ebola’ which, a few years ago, made the world be in a panic, was able to come out by animal experiments. To be sure, not all the animal experiments are conducted to develop vaccines or save people. But if we stop animal experiment for that reason, we can`t make vaccines or medicines when we have to save people. And animal experiments are not only for human. Animal experiments are also run for animals. Typical example is ‘RabbiShot’ which prevents rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus.

이전글 2813 신주원 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회 (제목:Animal experiments must be present) (2)
다음글 1학년 6반 21번 이석준 사이버토론대회 (3)