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2215이재형 친구아이디 빌려 올립니다
작성자 신현섭 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 145
2215이재형.hwp (11.5KB) (다운횟수:58)

Definition of animal experiments is simple. Indeed it is ‘all kinds of experiments with animals.’Although there are many types of animal experiments, I oppose animal experiment for the pursuit of profit. but I think animal experiments for academic research is necessary. Especially in the case of medicine, animal experimentation is very compelling. Someone has to offer as basis for the 'against Animal testing for the medicine' that the 'a disease that is shared by humans and animals not exceed the rate of 1.2 percent.'.This is a fact that can not be denied.However, speaking in the opposite,120 out of the million people who suffer from the disease is able to see the benefits. The ultimate goal of medicine is the "promotion of the entire social welfare, including life-saving. “If look from this point of view, 120 is very meaningful number.




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