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1612 민건홍 영어 토론대회
작성자 민건홍 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 151
I agree to do animal experiment. Nature is composed of the principle of food chain. It is too natural to have doubts that the nature of the law of the jungle for the strong to eat the weak. I think animal test can be applied by the same principle. For Human beings on top of the food chain to use animals under human beings is quite in the nature of things in view of the nature world. Therefore, animal test is right behavior that follows the force of nature faithfully, like an eagle eat a snake. So I agree the animal test.
이전글 2215이재형 친구아이디 빌려 올립니다 (1)
다음글 1817이선우 승인완료후 다시 올립니다. (3)