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1922이의현(아이디 빌려서 작성)
작성자 이종찬 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 153

I First, it is better to favor the animal experiments.
This is because, firstly, the food chain, because humans are considered to be in the highest.In addition, there is a time must be an experiment with animals that live Simple or no problems to a harmless human body In the case of human If the safe is possible.but if there is danger to life, because human dignity is ignored, I think that must be an animal experiment.

이전글 1607 김도현 사이버토론대회 (4)
다음글 1611 류현수 사이버토론대회(아이디가 없어 빌려씁니다.) (4)