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11022정달훈 친구아이디 빌려서 씁니다.
작성자 민연기 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 162

I agree with animal testing.

human's life is more valuable and important than animal's lifes and we use animal's life variety of ways. For example many people use animal materials of a fur coat and edible animal coat but animal testing is more valuable than that.

 It is work that saving human. So I think animal testing is reasonable. If we can't use animal, we have to many trial and error and It spend many time and money.

In this situation many people can be dangerous. If animal testing can solve this problem, animal testing should be allowed  and sublated. So I agree with animal testing.


이전글 1611 류현수 사이버토론대회(아이디가 없어 빌려씁니다.) (4)
다음글 11017 이상엽 사이버토론대회 (5)