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21004 김민재 영어토론대회입니다
작성자 김민재 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 158

I agree with animal experiments.

Because animal experiments, if you look at from the standpoint of animal lovers, there may appear to be cruel act.

It is clearly a bad way to kill many animals in various ways.

However, animal experiments are not a problem that can be evaluated by sympathy or pity.

The importance of animal experiments is especially proved in the field of medicine and science.

If animal experiments had not existed, the number of diseases that can be cured would have been decrease.

And to do a animal experiment provide the fact that we have not known and knowledge about feature of animal.

For example, there is insulin. Insulin was used to extract the early from cattle or pigs pancreas.

Although we don't gain insulin from cows and pigs currently, thanks to animal experiments we can produce insulin.

Animal experiments are essential, not a choice for the future.


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