2708 손효종 사이버토론대회 |
작성자 | 손효종 | 등록일 | 16.10.20 | 조회수 | 157 |
I agree experiment that animals are used scientifically. for example, human got some harmful illness. so scientists tested experiment to make the medicine about illness. But medicine administering is finished along study and experiment early judgment. Because the medicine may produce wrong effect. therefore, experiment that animals are used scientifically should be needed. And even if, To kill a variety of the animals is regrettable, experiment that animals are used scientifically should be needed for future. If experiment that animals are used scientifically don’t implement, human will live more difficult or correct medicine can’t be developed. Thanks for reading I had writing. |
이전글 | 11029 홍혁근 사이버 토론 대회 (제목:Animal are also life.) (1) |
다음글 | 1603 김범수 반기문 인재육성 사이버 토론대회 (동물실험에 찬성한다) |