1803김성민 휴대폰이없어 친구아이디빌려서합니다 (동물실험찬성) |
작성자 | 이종찬 | 등록일 | 16.10.20 | 조회수 | 181 |
I agee with animal testing. Because first animal testing contribute to the advancement of science and technology. Second animal testing make vaccines for people. third Through testing save more safe all life. example some scientists had tested through mouse then the result discovered cancer medicine. Thanks to this test many people have been fighting the cancer. Continuing fourth before inventions were becoming widespread experiment ensure safety. Like this animal testing bring happiness and safe to our life and when we bought the medicine we can find much easier from the animal testing . So I am in favor of the animal testing |
이전글 | 010808 김형진 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회(아이디 요청 승인 되서 친구아이디 빌려서 올렸다가 다시 제 아이디로 올립니다.) (2) |
다음글 | 1603 김광규 영어토론 (3) |