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작성자 신현섭 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 220
2311신현섭.hwp (12.5KB) (다운횟수:57)

I oppose experiment that animals are used for scientific or commercial test.

Because animals have a life, we shouldn't violate it.

Although animal experiment makes people’s life better, we can't require animals to sacrifice only for men.

Also not all the animal experiment offers the better opportunity to get the helthier life.

Let me give an example of it.

Have you ever been heard Thalidomide?

Thalidomide is a sleeping pill made in Germany and it was proved that it has no side effects by animal experiment.

So Germany's pharmaceutical companies launched Thalidomide, but it caused awful side effect.

What was it? It was the birth of deformed child(baby).

Pregnants who take Thalidomide deliver children that have no limbs.

As it was, Animal experiment can spoil people’s life.

Today, virtual research is proceeding, using artificial skin and imaginary cell etc. So we actually don't need animal experiment. We musn't do animal experiment, knowing that animals feel pain and sadness like us too.

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다음글 1622 이종우 영어 토론대회 (15)