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1622 이종우 영어 토론대회
작성자 이종우 등록일 16.10.20 조회수 253
I opposite Animal testing. Because it is cruel and non-human deed. Also, today society developed alternative testing methods that can substitute current animal testing. Animals have feeling just like us. They feel pain, sadness, fear about death, and other feelings. I can't understand people saying that animal test should have to conduct animal test although they disagree human test because of the 'Dignity of human'. I think animals also have 'Dignity of life'. So we have to treat animals on the same footing with humanity. In addition, Animal test is not so safe and effective as we think. There are many chemicals that is not harmful to animals, but dangerous at humanity, like thalidomide, TGN1412, and CEP-1347. Thalidomide was a medicine developed to make morning sickness control medicine. When they tested that medicine to rats to check risks, The rats didn't react. However, pregnant women who had eat Thalidomide gave birth deformed children. So, As yet, Animal test is not safe. Lastly, Technology has advanced, and now we have alternative testing methods, like Vitro test. Vitro test  only use human cells and tissues, advanced computer-modeling techniques. This is not violence and ruthless test. Thanks for reading.
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