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1618 유승민 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회 (아이디 승인 안됨)
작성자 김도현 등록일 16.10.19 조회수 199

I agree animals are used for commercial or scientific purpose.
The animals have similar respiratory and digestive tract of humans and the creature all over the world.
Most similar to man breathing or have the highest probability to success for the test because through their digestive systems. we can prevent or cure many diseases through.
What kind of medicine or treatment of performance, functionality, can find out about side effects in advance.
Occasionally, some animal experiments, but I used to brutal and cruel.
Nowadays, many countries and organizations to reduce the pain of animals.
Three laws or rules, such as 3r.
3r is replacement, reduction, refinement.
Find a way that could replace animal testing if these animal experiments and should be replaced.
And minimize the number of animals used in experiments.
Pain should be reduced as much as possible the rules of the animals in the experiment.
Let me put it this way animal if enacted several laws for the rights.
Brutality or cruelty to prevent or reduce animal testing.

이전글 1630 김도현 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회 (2)
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