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2305 박강호 승인대기중이므로 아이디 빌려서 올립니다
작성자 임재석 등록일 16.10.19 조회수 147

I agree about animal experimentation.

For example, I think animal experimentation is necessary for improvement of stability of medicine.

Because what medicine is made to health is right, but administering medicine of untested stability to people directly is very dangerous.

Through many animal experimentations, Humankind got improvements in several realms of medicine, space industry, beauty treatment etc.

Natuarally, animal experimentation harms life, but for the future, animal experimentation is necessary.

If animal experimentation is prohibited, people can’t use the right medicine. Because of this, people may be in danger of extinction.

Improvement of humankind makes better quality of human’s life. To be like that, what animal experimentation is necessary is my opinion.

Thanks for reading

이전글 1618 유승민 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회 (아이디 승인 안됨) (2)
다음글 1817이선우 승인대기중이므로 아이디 빌려서 올립니다. 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회 (4)