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1817이선우 승인대기중이므로 아이디 빌려서 올립니다. 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회
작성자 오현승 등록일 16.10.19 조회수 188

I oppose to animal experiment. Animals should not be used for scientific testing because the rate of sharing disease between human and animals are is just 1.16 percent at all. That is, the result of that testing is hard to believe. Some medicines, moreover, are occur side effects. For example, there was a medicine called Thalidomide. While many animal experiments were conducted because if aimed to pregnant women, it had some serious problems including abortion and deformed children. Many professionals say animal experiment is not so exact and safe. For these reasons, some alternative ways are studied among international community.

One of them is Neoderm, It can prevent side effects effectively without any creatures, because its skin very resembles human’s one. Now, animal experiment is not necessarily required any more. So I oppose to animal experiment.


1-8 17번 이선우

이전글 2305 박강호 승인대기중이므로 아이디 빌려서 올립니다
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