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1620 이상건 반기문 인재육성 사이버토론대회 (동물실험을 하지 말자)
작성자 이상건 등록일 16.10.19 조회수 235

I  disagree to animals be used for scientific or commercial testing .

  The reason is we don’t experiment person at first because they have human rights and basically alive. animals don’t have human rights but animals are alive. so I think that we don’t experiment on animals.

  Of course, experiments in animals, less than harmful thing to humans before but this acts are lead to animal abuse in living with nature and animals.

 But, human doing animal testing  because they want live more comfortably. So if human don't want more comfortably live, human don't doing animal testing.

 How long humans do have  give pain to animals?

 If you think  animals little, please trying to think again that we used animals testing scientific or commercial.


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