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11023 전수현
작성자 전수현 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 209

I write this text as a opposite side for this system, Internet real-name system.

Although need of the system has been claimed because of variety of unfortunate incident, I want to say opposite opinion with following factor.

At first, ‘Public.’

The system had been already judged violence of law because of prohibition of excess, suitability of measures and etc. Should it be claimed for someone’s emotion? I don't think so.

Second, Systems for 'preventing cyber bulling already exist.' There are variety of measures. I think If opening real-name, As a result, be accepted, It will be generalized. Immoral person will anyway do immorality.

considering these point, I want to reveal this inevitable weakness of the system.

Finally, the problem of steal or manipulation that can be violate personal information.

Have you ever heard resident registration number creator?

It exist. and It has been easy to find it.

Information can be made by this simple program.

In conclusion, Connection between personal information and safety need to more fundamental solution, not internet real-name system.

이전글 2417 이규행 I disagree completely with respect to this scheme. (5)
다음글 2106 김준수 I’ think Internet real-name system should not be carried out.