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2106 김준수 I’ think Internet real-name system should not be carried out.
작성자 유호정 등록일 15.12.16 조회수 144

제 아이디가 승인이 안되서 유호정군 껄로 올립니다.


I’ think Internet real-name system should not be carried out.

If Internet real-name system carried out people who post in Internet message boards should be identified not only their name but also their resident registration number, if so First there are the foreigner who do not have resident registration number come hard to use internal web site. Second Internet real-name system could be restrict our individual's freedom of expression. And ,actually, the Constitutional Court was adjudicated judgment of unconstitutionality in the way that it can restrict our individual's freedom of expression and Basic rights.

And it can be dangerous that the resident registration number can be hacked or abused. in fact the web site which is executed Internet real-name system such as ‘CyWorld’ or ‘Nate’ was hacked and about 35 million of Personal Data was leaked.

And if The Internet real-name system is carried out, in reality, influential man has more influential in cyber space, the man who is no Influence more non-influential in cyberspace and can be more excluded. As long as real named is closed to the public they have more responsibility about their opinion and criticism , in the long run, they mind advancing an their opinion.

For these reason I’m oppose to Internet real-name system

이전글 11023 전수현 (6)
다음글 [20126 정석원] The Internet real-name system, this issue on anonymity